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 RE: Объявлется Конкурс на участие в спектакле Норд-Ост - Зюйд-Вест
Автор: Его Величество (---.proxy.aol.com)
Дата:   01-01-03 23:17

Доктор wrote:
> Дружок,
> а ты не пробовался пролечиться от мании величества?

Уважаемый Доктор!

У нас Конкурс на Лучшего Политического Руководителя России, который не станет употреблять смертоносный газ против собственных граждан и в том числе против Вас. Я уже не говорю о такой достаточно простой задаче, как не вести войну против собственного народа, и уж по крайней мере Руководителя, который найдет в себе мужество и профессиональное умение ее остановить.

Конкурс на Лучшего Психолога Нации Вы можете провести сами по Вашей просьбе в другом спектакле. Подойдет ли Вам пьеса "Мнимый больной" Жана Баптиста Мольера? Возможны и другие варианты.

Ознакомьтесь с темой, которую я буду представлять этим летом в университете города Бергена.

"Dear Dr Tiraspolsky,

Thank you very much for the message and your interest in the Seminar. Your address will be now enrolled on our list and from now on you will be updated about the preparations for this particular event as well as other activities of the Institute for Strengthening Democracy.

I kindly request you to provide a tentative title of your presentation on this topic. I maintain it is very precious for the event. By the way, I am personally interested in your endeavour. Some years ago I published the book (admittedly, in Bosnian) "Nation vs. People". Among other things there is a chapter on "National sentiments and prejudices". Although It might be I do not share all your views it would be good to keep in touch.

Best regards,
Dzemal Sokolovic
Dzemal Sokolovic, prof.
University of Bergen
Department of Comparative Politics
Christiesgt. 15, 5007 Bergen, Norway
Tel: +47 55 58 20 07 Fax: +47 55 58 94 25
E-mail: dzemal.sokolovic@isp.uib.no

At 08:22 AM 12/24/2002 +0100, you wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: BTiraspols@aol.com
To: izjd-ko@bih.net.ba
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 07:32
Subject: Psychology of Nations

Dear Professor Socolovic:

I am with the CIN-Network, Inc. - organization that is in charge of an Independent Research Group in the field of Psychology of Nations

One of the most important and urgent developments in the area of a Social Psychology for the Future of the Mankind is development of a Psychology of Nations. What is the Psychology of Nations? It is a Science that unifies such areas as History, Linguistics, Anthropology, Geography, Psychology, Religion and Esthetics. It develops holistic models that view an individual as being intricately interwoven with a National collective. The collective of the Nation, in turn, is embedded in the consciousness of Humanity as a whole.

By developing dynamic holistic models the Psychology of Nations identifies a National Character in psychological heritage and the past of a Nation, as well as a Nation's collective traumas being experiencing and expressing in the present. In other words it is the Science that identifies all factors which determine the choices and the actions for individuals of different Nations and Nations as a whole.

The Psychology of Nations will allow to unfold and assess a new prospective of different Nations by recognizing the buildup of ethnic and religious conflicts and "collective traumata" as the results of deeply anchored collective patterns, beliefs and unconscious thoughts which are passed on generations. Such "collective traumata" is a potential for violence and aggression. It will become visible and can be recognized and worked with in its early stages for preventing outbreaks of violence before Nations go on the rampage.

Therefore, it is important to develop a vast specific methods and techniques for a long-term preventive approach designed to transform National collective patterns and dynamics at the very root of violence and its cause. As such it will provide suggestions for early psychological interventions by working with the belief patterns that underlie collective behavior and effecting a deep transformation in the collective Nation Psyche by creating a role model of a Noble National Character.

A Nation Psychologist is a very new, unique and intensely creative Profession. Professional skills of being a Nation Psychologist must be learned and developed based on the highest achievements in one of the Professions the Science consists of.

The Psychology of Nations more then any Science is based entirely on Ethics. A Nation Psychologist must be an individual of an impeccable reputation and trustworthy by both an Institution he or she represents and the People of a Nation he or she works with. A National Psychologist must not ever been involve in Politics of any sort, or any other activities related to manipulations of a Nation Psyche, the mental health of which the Nation Psychologist must solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and defense.

Needless to say that the Psychology of Nations is also a practical field. All assessments of a collective Nation Psyche should be and must be done on locations, providing all necessary help and support to ethnic groups, general populations, organizations and governments in potentially crisis areas.

I would be pleased to make a presentation regarding the topic above at your conference.

Boris Tiraspolsky, Ph.D.
CIN-Network, Inc.
15633 W. Eleven Mile Road, Suite 107
Southfield, Michigan 48076, United States"

 Темы Автор  Дата
 Объявлется Конкурс на участие в спектакле Норд-Ост - Зюйд-Вест  новое
Его Величество 01-01-03 14:32 
 RE: Объявлется Конкурс на участие в спектакле Норд-Ост - Зюйд-Вест  новое
Доктор 01-01-03 22:37 
 RE: Объявлется Конкурс на участие в спектакле Норд-Ост - Зюйд-Вест  новое
Его Величество 01-01-03 23:17 
 Модератору Форума  новое
Ал 02-01-03 16:54 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Александр С. 02-01-03 17:11 
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Его Величество 02-01-03 18:38 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Александр С. 02-01-03 19:52 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 20:24 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 18:23 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Emma 02-01-03 17:27 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 18:26 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Света 02-01-03 17:36 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 18:27 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Stealth 02-01-03 18:08 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 18:27 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Василий Захаров 02-01-03 18:17 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 18:28 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Nadya 02-01-03 19:17 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 20:25 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Рита 02-01-03 19:35 
 RE: Модератору Форума  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 20:26 
 Обращение к Разгневанному Общественному Мнению  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 20:39 
 Действительно.  новое
Алексей 02-01-03 20:51 
 Вопрос Субъекта к Объекту  новое
Его Величество 02-01-03 21:58 
 RE: Вопрос Субъекта к Объекту  новое
Фома 07-01-03 00:27 
 Спасибо!  новое
Борис Тираспольский 07-01-03 00:44 
 RE: Спасибо!  новое
Фома 07-01-03 12:12 
 Торжественное Обещание  новое
Борис Тираспольский 07-01-03 13:32